World Database version 1.2 is a complete reference guide to the territories of the whole Earth. Not only does it give detailed information in a total of over 40 categories for every independent and dependent country in the world; but also includes detailed information of International organisations ( in the manual ).
Please note that Database 1.2 is NOT a standalone application - it is a set of two database DOCUMENTS created with the package Clarisworks 2.0. If you do not have Clarisworks you will not be able to read them. The file format is the copyright of Claris Corporation, but their contents is the copyright of Wesley Johnston. If you find the databases useful, please send me £5 so that I can keep on improving the databases. ( See the on-disk manual [ in stand-alone format ] for details of how to send me the fee. ) Feel free to pass the databases along, but PLEASE INCLUDE ALL THE DOCUMENTATION, ( namely the 2 databases, the manual, the troubleshooting advice, and this document ) in their original and unaltered state.
The writer makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, about the suitability of the databases for any purpose, their compatability, their reliability or whether they cause damage to hardware/software. Users use at their own risk.
Clarisworks is not a share/freeware program so it cannot be distributed freely.